CTCSS/CDCSS codes that preset on the current channel, Operations are as follows:
1, Select a desired channel.
2, Press the programmed UST key to enter the UST mode.
3, Use the [
]/ [
] keys to select from the preset UST codes (the newly selected
CTCSS/CDCSS code is valid in the UST mode only), then the CTCSS/CDCSS code on
the current channel is set as the selected UST code.
4, Repress the UST key to exit the UST mode, then the LCD resumes its initial display.
This configuration is automatically memorized if the UST Back Up function is
enabled, or else, it will not be memorized once switching channel or power off.
Home Channel
Upon press the programmed Home Channel key, the radio will promptly go to the
programmed home channel.
When dual home channels are set, press the programmed Home Channel key to promptly
go to Home Channel 1, press again to promptly go to Home Channel 2, and press for the
third time to return to the original channel.
2-Tone Encode Select (TTS)
1, Press the programmed TTS key, the LCD displays the preset 2-tone number or alias.
The LCD scrolls the alias if it exceeds 8 digits.
2, Press the [
]key to select 2-tone number (01
32)or alias.
3, Holding down the [PTT] to transmit the selected code.
4, Upon release the [PTT], the signalling squelch is disabled and LED flashes orange, the
LED lights green when signal is received, and flashes orange if signal off.
5. If the programmed Monitor key is pressed, or no signal is received within the preset
time period, the signalling squelch is enabled.
Display Frequency
Upon press the programmed Display Frequency key, the LCD displays the frequency of
the current channel.
Display Mode
Upon press the programmed Display Mode key, the radio toggle among the following 5
display modes:
1. Channel alias
2. Zone number followed by channel number, “1-CH1”
3. Zone alias
4. Channel frequency.
5. Channel number followed by zone number, “CH 1-1”