Chapter 1: Introduction
About the StorNext G300 Hardware
StorNext G300 Gateway Appliance Hardware Guide
About the StorNext G300 Hardware
About the StorNext
G300 Gateway
The StorNext G300 Gateway Appliance combines industry-proven
Quantum hardware and StorNext software into one convenient, out-of-
the-box solution. The G300 Gateway Appliance operates as a SAN Client
in a StorNext Metadata Network, providing LAN client access to the
StorNext disk SAN.
Your StorNext G300 system hardware has been pre-installed and is
ready to operate with a minimum of additional configuration required
at time of installation.
StorNext G300 models:
• StorNext G301
• StorNext G302
At times this document uses StorNext G300 as a generic term
that applies to the StorNext G301 and G302 models. When
information pertains only to a specific StorNext G300 model,
those differences are noted.
Hardware Specification
The StorNext contains the following:
• Two redundant, hot-swappable system hard drives in a RAID 1
• Redundant cooling fans and power