Figure 12--- Windows Device Manager
6. The DSC-100 serial ports are also listed under the group Ports (COM and LPT).
Windows 95 does not assign COM1-COM4 to ports addressed at nonstandard locations.
The DSC-100 ports will be enumerated starting with COM5 (or higher) even if lower
logical numbers are available.
7. Select any of the Quatech Serial Ports listed under the group Port (COM and LPT) and
click the "Properties" button. This action opens a properties dialog for the specific COM
port on the DSC-100.
8. Click the "Port Settings" tab and then click the "Advanced" button. The DSC-100 driver
will display a custom Advanced Port Settings control, which allows the ports UART
compatibility mode and FIFO threshold levels to be configured. The threshold values of
full-scale for the transmit buffer and 3/4-scale for the receive buffer shown below are
optimal for most applications. Note that the FIFO option for each of the DSC-100's two
ports is configured independently.
Quatech DSC-100 User's Manual