As a company we strive to provide the highest standard of service. It is therefore
important that we ensure your product meets the specification as described in
our technical information and marketing literature. During commissioning we will
demonstrate functionality and water quality produced by the equipment and in signing
this satisfaction note you are confirming that we have met our obligations.
Should you ever need technical support we have a dedicated team who will strive to
resolve any issues or questions within an acceptable time frame. Your system comes
with a full two year warranty subject to service on the first anniversary after installation.
Extended warranty is offered free of charge for clients servicing their systems every
consecutive year subject to our terms and conditions. Please refer to your service
contract for details.
I/we have received all goods ordered from The Pure H2O Company Limited
on Sales Order No:
I/we have inspected the pipe work feeding the RO system and agree that it is free
from leaks and has been completed to my/our satisfaction.
I confirm I understand how to isolate the system and disconnect the power in the
event that the property is left unattended for a period exceeding one week or in the
event of an emergency.
I/we have been shown how to disconnect the electrical feed of equipment and how
to check the transformer in the event of loss of power.
I/we confirm that the quality of the water is below 10ppm/TDS and to my complete
I/we have received the user’s manual for the RO system. The operation of the
equipment and my/our responsibilities regarding its maintenance and upkeep
has been fully explained to me/us.
I/we agreed that all alterations made during the installation were made with our
approval and consent.
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