WCDMA Module
UC20 GNSS AT Commands Manual
UC20_GNSS_AT_Commands_Manual Confidential / Released 7 / 25
ODP system requirements:
(1) ODP requires valid gpsOneXTRA assistance data.
(2) ODP requires that UC20 is in service.
If these two requirements are not fulfilled ODP will be turned off automatically. ODP will be suspended if a
regular GNSS
In the enabled low power mode, the GNSS engine is turned on to consume low power. Requests to
determine the GNSS position are returned with a reduced time-to-fix while this mode is active. In the
enabled Ready mode, the GNSS engine is kept active and is available to perform fixed position. Requests
to determine the GNSS position are immediately returned while this mode is active. The impact on battery
life is great in this mode. Maintenance of position and time uncertainty also improves the performance of
E911 on UMTS.
to set two different modes by AT+QGPSCFG:
Low power mode:
Low-frequency background GNSS tracking session.
In good signal condition, use shorter interval with frequent ODP session (i.e., per 5 min).
In weak signal condition, use longer interval, but less frequent ODP session (i.e., twice per hour).
Ready mode:
GNSS engine will start 1 Hz positioning session.
Main goal is to keep GNSS engine ready so that when the application demands a position from the
GNSS engine, position can be reported quickly.