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Viewing events for a protected machine
Viewing events for a protected machine
On the Events page, you can view the jobs that occurred or are in progress for the protected machine you
selected. Buttons at the top of the page let you navigate to lists of jobs in each of the three categories of activities:
Tasks. A job that the Rapid Recovery must perform to operate successfully.
Alerts. A notification related to a task or event that includes errors and warning.
Journal. A composite of all protected machine tasks and alerts.
The following table includes descriptions of each element on the Events page.
Table 5. Events page elements
UI Element
Search keyword
Lets you search for a specific item within each
category. Available for tasks only.
To narrow your results, you can enter a date at
which to begin searching. Available for tasks only.
To narrow your results, you can enter a date at
which to stop searching. Available for tasks only.
Status icons
Each icon represents a different job status. For
alerts and tasks, clicking one of the icons lets you
filter the list by that status, essentially generating a
report. Clicking the icon a second time removes the
filter for that status. You can filter by more than one
status. Statuses include:
Active. A job that is in progress.
Queued. A job that is waiting for another job to
complete before it can initiate.
Waiting. A job waiting for your approval or
completion, such as a seed drive. (For more
information about seed drives, see
Complete. A job that completed successfully.
Failed. A job that failed and did not complete.
Service icon
This button adds services jobs to the list of jobs.
When you click this icon, a smaller service icon
appears on each status icon, which lets you filter by
service jobs that have those statuses (if any exist).
Examples of services jobs include deleting index
files or removing a machine from protection.