DL4300 Appliance
Support for dynamic and basic volumes
Table 57. Rapid Recovery support for cluster-shared volumes
Rapid Recovery Cluster
Shared Volumes Support
Protect, Replicate,
Rollup, Mount, Archive
Restore CSV Volumes
Virtual Export to Hyper-V
Rapid Recovery
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2012
Excludes the Hyper-V agentless feature, which is compatible only with Windows Server 2012 R2 and later.
While Rapid Recovery may let you protect some other operating systems on cluster-shared volumes, you do so at
your own risk. Only the configurations in the table above are supported by Dell.
Parent topic
Support for dynamic and basic volumes
Rapid Recovery supports taking snapshots of all dynamic and basic volumes. Rapid Recovery also supports
exporting simple dynamic volumes that are on a single physical disk. As their name implies, simple dynamic
volumes are not striped, mirrored, spanned, or RAID volumes.
The behavior for virtual export of dynamic disks differs, based on whether the volume you want to export is
protected by the Rapid Recovery Agent software, or is a VM using agentless protection. This is because non-
simple or complex dynamic volumes have arbitrary disk geometries that cannot be fully interpreted by the Rapid
Recovery Agent.
When you try to export a complex dynamic disk from a machine with the Rapid Recovery Agent software, a
notification appears in the user interface to alert you that exports are limited and restricted to simple dynamic
volumes. If you attempt to export anything other than a simple dynamic volume with the Rapid Recovery Agent,
the export job fails.
In contrast, dynamic volumes for VMs you protect agentlessly are supported for protection, virtual export,
restoring data, and BMR, and for repository storage, with some important restrictions. For example:
Protection: In the case when a dynamic volume spans multiple disks, you must protect those disks together to maintain
the integrity of the volume.
Virtual export: You can export complex dynamic volumes such as striped, mirrored, spanned, or RAID volumes from an
ESXi host using agentless protection.
However, the volumes are exported at the disk level, with no volume parsing. For
example, if exporting a dynamic volume spanned across two disks, the export will
include two distinct disk volumes.
When exporting a dynamic volume that spans multiple disks, you must export the dynamic
disks with the original system volumes to preserve the disk types.
Restoring data: When restoring a dynamic volume that spans multiple disks, you must restore the dynamic disks with the
original system volumes to preserve the disk types. If you restore only one disk, you will break the disk configuration.
Repository storage: Additionally, Rapid Recovery supports the creation of repositories on complex dynamic
volumes (striped, mirrored, spanned, or RAID). The file system of the machine hosting the repository must be