7 Change language
In the menu item Language you can change the menu language. A
change must be confirmed with SET. Change password
The password can be changed in the menu item Password. A change
must be confirmed with SET.
Trouble shooting
When host alarm, holding box display related alarm information, and
suggests the corresponding operation.
1. Host alarm: "E01" shows "inlet blockage or flow sensor error,
examination into the wind (generally for ventilation pipe, effect at the
beginning of filter cotton) whether there is foreign body jam, check the
sensor again if there is a foreign body inside
2. Host alarm "E02" : the fan fault, first turn off the host power supply,
open the cover out of the filter, to see if there is any foreign body,
inlets, if no foreign body open the back cover and check the line, or
contact customer directly.
3. Host alarm: "how A02" transfinite filtering core work, replace the
filter element, and into the "SYSTEM" menu, clear filter core work.