PAGE 0.2
When setting up the components of the chair, complete the following checklist to ensure proper and
safe operation of the equipment.
Check :
Are the batteries fully charged?
a. Test battery voltage with D.C. meter across the terminals of batteries. The measurement should
be above 12 volts D.C. (Note: a fully charged battery is between 12.9 and 13.1 VDC)
b. If not, fully charge the batteries.
Are all necessary power components installed and connected ?
a. Input device? (normally Joystick)
b. Cable from Joystick to the Bus Line
c. Control Module; for the QM-7 series located at back of chair behind shroud
d. Are batteries installed correctly? (refer to Section 1 of this manual
Are all necessary connections fastened and fully engaged?
a. Battery connectors to the batteries
b. Cable between Joystick and the Control
c. Both Motor Connectors to the Control Module.
Is the Drive Gear engaged? See (
gures .2.1 and .2.2)
a. With the power off, the chair should not move if pushed from behind.
b. If the chair moves when pushed, the drive gear needs to be engaged on both motors.
c. Does Display light up when Power On/Off switch is depressed?
If no - Follow checklist a second time, then refer to the section on Diagnostics.
If yes – The Power Wheelchair is ready to drive!
Basic Setup
Motor - Drive Gear engaged
Motor - Free-wheel
fig .2.1
fig. .2.2