Section V - Integrated Dryer (option)
The dryer is factory tested before shipping.
All controls are calibrated for automatic
operation. If the dryer is installed in clean
surroundings, within the temperature limits
of the specified ambient, the dryer will run
trouble-free for a very long time. Routine
maintenance procedures recommended
are the following:
1) Check the fan motor(s) for proper
operation to maintain the cooling air
to be drawn through the condenser
and blown over the refrigerant
2) Clean the condenser periodically to
maintain the proper heat transfer on
the condenser coil. Dirty condenser
will raise the head pressure of the
refrigeration system and trip the
compressor “off” at the overload
control. Running the compressor
on high head pressures may cause
premature failures. Check the
ambient temperature limits to be
maintained at the installation.
3) Pressure drop across the dryer may
increase slowly as the particulate
material coming through the air
stream plugs up the internals of
the heat exchanger. A back-flush
procedure is recommended to clean
the air system.
To back-flush, disconnect air dryer, plug
the drain line and fill the air system with
the detergent water solution. Hold it for
4-6 hours. Circulate the detergent from air
outlet to air inlet with a pump. Flush the
system with warm water. If pressure-drop
still exists, contact factory.
Back-flush Flow Diagram
Quincy Compressor-QGB
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