MultiServ Multiband Antennas
QS Series Antenna Installation Guide
Page 18
AISG Controller Display – QSX65X-3 Models
of 4-Tilt QS6658-3 Display
1710-2400MHz Left
single tilt by band
The antenna models listed below will use the following, older naming convention:
a) All 6-port antenna models without a trailing revision letter, Example: QS6656-3
b) All 8-port antenna models without a trailing revision letter, Example: QS6658-3
Example: This diagram refers specifically to antenna model QS6658-3, with a total of four (4) RET devices:
One for independently tilting 700MHz – Labeled RFS: QS6658_3_700
One for independently tilting 850MHz – Labeled RFS: QS6658_3_850
One for independently tilting 1710-2400MHz on the Left hand array – Labeled RFS: QS6658-3_17_24_L
One for independently tilting 1710-2400MHz on the Right hand array – Labeled RFS: QS6658-3_17_24_R
The tilts for each device and sector naming conventions should be set according to the RFDS (Radio Frequency Design
Specification) supplied by engineering and in a manner appropriate to the AISG controller being used. Please refer to
the AISG controller manufacturer’s documentation for further information.
700MHz single tilt by
band entry.
1710-2400MHz Right
single tilt by band
850MHz single tilt
by band entry.