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INPUT TYPE determines the type of wind speed and wind 
direction signal to use. Type 1 is for standard WS pulse input 
wind speed and WD potentiometer wind direction input. Type 2 
is for VIN3 (wind speed) and VIN4 (wind direction). With Type 
2 voltage inputs, 0 to 5000mV = 0 to 100 m/s wind speed and 
0 to 540 degrees wind direction. These alternative inputs allow 
connection to devices like the Young 85XXX family of 2D Sonic 

OUTPUT RATE determines the rate at which serial data strings 
are sent from the 32500.

POLL CHARACTER sets the unique polling address for the 
32500. Any single alphanumeric character may be used.

BAUD RATE selects one of several preset baud rates. If you 
change baud rate while connected, your external device must 
also be changed in order to continue communicating with the 

REPORT PARAMETER SETTINGS shows the current state of 
Damping, Output Format, Output Rate, and Poll Character.

form the same fuction as the CALIBRATE button. See section 
3.1 COMPASS CALIBRATION for details regarding the calibra-
tion procedure. 


The 32500 requires no maintenance in normal use.  Periodic inspec-
tion is recommended to verify correct operation.


This product is warranted to be free of defects in materials and 
construction for a period of 12 months from date of initial purchase. 
Liability is limited to repair or replacement of defective item. A copy of 
the warranty policy may be obtained from R. M. Young Company.


This product  complies with European CE requirements for the EMC 
Directive. Please note that shielded cable must be used.

Declaration of Conformity

R. M. Young Company
2801 Aero Park Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686 USA

Model 32500 Electronic Compass

The undersigned hereby declares, on behalf of R. M.
Young Company that the above-referenced product, to
which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the
provisions of:

Council Directive 2004/108/EC (December 15, 2004)
on Electromagnetic Compatibility

David Poinsett
R&D Manager
R. M. Young Company
