_______________________________________________________TCA 9000 Series User Manual
Audit Copy
If set to YES every disc recorded will be audited to confirm that the entire
discs was actually recorded. This involves reading the first and last part
of the discs to ensure that they are readable.
Network Active
Available only on TrueNET enabled systems, setting this to YES will
cause the system to enter network mode immediately on power on. Set
to NO, the system will run in stand-alone mode.
Multi Image HD
If set to YES discs read will be named and stored on the hard drive for
future use. Many CD images can be kept on the hard drive.
If set to NO a master read will still be saved to the hard drive but it will
have no name and will be overwritten by the next master read.
Multi Image HD
is enabled and Images are stored on the hard drive
and then the Autoloader is operated with Multi Image HD set to NO
all the previous images may be lost.
Ask Quantity
If set to YES, the user will be prompted for a quantity to copy/compare. If
set to NO, the machine will copy until told to stop by pressing and
holding the STOP key.
Async Copying
When set to YES, the system will run the drives asynchronously. Setting
this to NO will increase the time taken for duplication, since all drives
(synchronous operation).
Check Blank Size
If set to YES, the copier will check that the image will fit on the blank disc
before starting to write. If set to NO, the copier will attempt to write the
image to the disc, even if the blank is not large enough. This may mean
that copies are rejected, because the blank disc did not have sufficient
room. This feature allows discs to be over burned.
Check Blank Size
If set to YES, the copier will check that blank disc has enough free space
on it before starting to write. If set to NO, the copier will attempt to write
the image to the disc even if the blank is not large enough. This may
mean that copies are rejected, because the blank disc did not have
sufficient room. This feature allows discs to be over burned.