Press and hold the TIG torch switch to start sequence.
The machine will open gas valve to start flow of shield gas, after preset gas pre-flow
time to flow time to purge air from torch hose the welding output of machine will be
turned on and the arc will be started at start (min) current
This condition can be maintained as long as required.
Release the TIG torch switch to go to step 2, the machine will now increase output to
peak (main) current in time set by slope-up.
Press and hold the TIG torch switch when main weld is complete
The machine will now decrease the welding output current to finish (min) in down-
slope time set. Once at finish (min) output you can release the TIG torch switch to end
weld the gas post-flow will continue to run for set time.
9. Gas post flow and pre-flow adjustment
Post flow (after weld stopped) is from 1 – 25 seconds. The gas keeps flowing after weld
has finished, this cools & stops tungsten from getting contaminated. We recommend a
minimum of 6 seconds.
10. Pulse Amps
This sets pulse minimum base amperage as % of main amperage
I.E if main current is set to 100amps and pulse amps is set to 40%, the machine will
switch between 100amps and 40amps at the set frequency / time on.
When using foot pedal the base and pulse will adjust from pedal - Note LED will show
average amperage when using foot pedal with pulse.
11. Warning LED
When you turn machine on the LED will light green and then go out once machine has
run start-up self-diagnostics.
If LED turns orange during operation, you have exceeded the duty cycle, allow
machine to cool down, light will go off and you will be able to weld again.
If LED turns green during operation, the machine has sensed overload / under
voltage. Turn machine off and call R-Tech technical dept.
12. Power LED
Lights up when machine is switched on.