GPS Quality
The channel “GPS Sats Used” is a value that represents the number of
satellites used in the calculations. A value of 8 to 10 is excellent. A
value of 6 or 7 is decent but may suffer some noise. Values below 6 will
have very poor accuracy.
For the RaceGrade GPS, the number of satellites does not include the
SBAS or WAAS DGPS satellites. So a value of 10 is the maximum
possible even though the unit is capable of tracking 12 satellites. Most
other GPS units include these in the reported satellites used. Most other
GPS units accept multi-path signal and therefore the channel “GPS
Sats Used” can not be analyzed to estimate accuracy with any degree
of precision.
Setup for SDL, ADL2, ADL3, ACL
For ADL2, SDL or ACL use, please select the template “GPS -
Standard RMC GGA” listed under the communications RS-232. Verify
57,600 for the baud rate. You’ll be able to log the following channels of
Recommended Logging Rates
Update Option: 10 Hz
20 Hz
GPS Latitude
20 Hz
50 Hz
GPS Longitude
20 Hz
50 Hz
GPS Speed
20 Hz
50 Hz
GPS Heading
20 Hz
50 Hz
GPS Date
1 Hz
1 Hz
GPS Time
10 Hz
10 Hz
GPS Sats Used**
10 Hz
10 Hz
GPS Altitude
10 Hz
10 Hz
For the 10 Hz update rate, channels should be logged at 20 Hz even
though they only update at 10 Hz. This will help minimize the time delay
between when the data arrives to the logging device through the serial
stream and the moment the values are logged. For the 20 Hz option,
those channels which update at 20 Hz should be logged at 50 Hz. GPS
Date should only be logged at 1 Hz. See the table above.