Log settings
To adjust the logging mode and the log rate of the VBOX Micro, open the ‘Logging’ tab in VBOX Setup.
Once the logging mode and rate have been set, click the ‘Write Settings’ button to program the new configuration into
the VBOX Micro.
The log rate is shown as a frequency (in Hz) and also as a time period (in ms). Both options are linked so if one is
altered the other setting will automatically reflect the change.
The VBOX Micro uses time and date information available from GPS satellites. This time is based around UTC
(approximately equal to GMT) so if the VBOX Micro is used in a different time zone the local time should be set inside
the VBOX Micro for ease of use.
As the time and date are critical to the creation of file names in the VBOX Micro, it is recommended that the local time is
correctly set.
Adding or subtracting an offset on the GPS page of VBOX Setup adjusts the local time.
Once the offset has been set click the ‘Write Settings’ button to program the new time and date into the VBOX Micro.
NOTE: In order to obtain UTC time, the VBOX Micro must have attained satellite lock.