Current lap is the same speed as the reference lap
LEDs will be off
Current lap is 2.5 km/h slower than the reference lap
LEDs will show dull red
Current lap is >5 km/h slower than the reference lap
LEDs will show bright red
Alternatively, if
10 km/h
is selected and the current lap is 5 km/h quicker than the reference lap, LEDs will show
dull green as it is halfway to the maximum value.
Tap the buttons to change the setting.
Reset Data
Selecting this option will reset the lap timing data, lap time history and reference lap. Once
is selected, a cancel
timeout screen will display, allowing you to cancel the reset within 5 seconds by pressing the screen. After 5
seconds, the LEDs will briefly flash
twice and the unit will emit an audible confirmation notification.
Fix the Reference Lap