8 2 0 0 A C U S E T U P
Series 8000™ O&M Manual
How the wizard works
Required: all limit switches must be in place before running the Setup Wiz-
The Setup Wizard will move the antenna through its full
range of motion
in both directions, along each axis
until it has
hit all the hardware limit switches.
When the system detects a limit switch, it backs away from it by two
degrees. That new position is the
soft limit
for that direction on
that axis.
Soft limits can be edited or even disabled on the Setup > Limits screen.
After the Setup Wizard establishes soft limits for each axis, it moves
back to center to determine the angles and periods of the motion
faults, and the threshold and deadband for the positioner parameters.
It also will calibrate the bump and coast times.
Setup details
To view or edit set-
tings determined by
the Setup Wizard,
browse the 8200’s
Home > Setup tabs.
They are described in
the next sections.