Radial Engineering Ltd.
JDI • Duplex User Guide
True to the Music
MaKinG cOnnectiOns
Before making connections, ensure all signal levels
are turned down or equipment is shut off. This will
help eliminate turn-on or plug-in transients that could
cause damage to more sensitive equipment such as
the JDi DuPLeX quick start
This section is for advanced users. It provides a quick
set of instructions for those that are familiar with direct
boxes and gets right down to action! We suggest
that you read through the entire manual for a better
understanding of your Duplex. see the ‘Features and
Functions’ section for information about using the mono
sum, polarity and line-level inputs.
QuicK start:
The Radial Duplex is a passive direct box and does
not require any external power such as phantom or
batteries. Follow these steps for each channel.
1. Make sure all switches are in the outward position
including the two recessed switches. Use a small
screwdriver to access the recessed switches.
2. Connect the XLR oUTPUT to the Pa or audio mixer.
3. Plug the instrument into the ¼" InPUT jack.
4. Connect the ¼" THRU jack to the instrument
amplifi er, keyboard mixer, or electronic tuner.
5. slowly turn up the input level at the mixer and listen.
6. If you hear distortion, depress the –15dB PaD switch.
7. If you hear buzz or hum depress the gnD LIFT switch.