Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića
- Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
e-mail: radijator@radijator.rs
Discription (figure 12):
1. Exchanger with turbulators;
2. Combustion chamber
3. Ashtray;
4. Feeding system;
5. Silos;
6. Flue (exhaust) duct;
7. Door;
8. Jacket of complete boiler heating stove;
9. Top of boiler heating stove;
10. Cover for cleaning on exchanger;
11. Automation;
12. Processor of automation;
13. Electro mechanical pressure switch for water;
14. Pump;
15. Exhaust fan;
16. Motor of feeding system;
17. Ignition;
18. Expansion vessel.