Radijator Inženjering DOO, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150,
, e-mail: radijator@radijator.rs
3. Construction
By its combustion mode,
boiler belongs to a group of boilers where the pellet
enters the combustion chamber from the side (
Figure 1, pos. 2 and 3
). During the transport of
pellet from the silo (
Figure 1, pos.5
) to the combustion chamber, the pellet is transported by
the upper and lower screw and by cell transporter between the screws (
Figure 1, pos.4
). On
the entire route, there is no free fall of the pellet and it is always pushed by the force of the
screw. This is an important feature that ensures the reliable functioning of the entire system.
Figure 2
. Cross-section of BIOmax PRO boiler
The water portion of the boiler, with its type of heat exchange between flue gases and water, is
adjusted to biomass. The exchanger is a three-draft exchanger with vertically placed pipes (
it on Figure 2
). Inside the pipe there are spiral turbulators with dual function. The first function
is to increase the exchange of flue gases and heat exchanger, while the second function is to
mechanically clean the pipe walls. The movement of the turbulators inside the pipes is achieved
by electric motors (
Figure 3a
) automatically operated at specific intervals.
In the base of the boiler, in the zone below the combustion chamber, there is a screw that expels
ash into the ash bin (
Figure 3b
). This screw conveyor is also motor-activated and operated