Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija
tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs
When firing the boiler for the firts time the following conditions must be met:
Chimney and its outlet must be kept clean and in good condition
Flap for regulating the draft in the the flue connection must be open
Flap for regulating the draft in the boiler during the first firing must be in the position -
open, and when the fire is at its height and when the chimney is warmed up (after 30-60 min)
it is in the position
The boiler must have all the security devices installed for the system of central heating.
When initiating the fire in the boiler use the lower door, and when the fire is developed
put the fuel through the upper door.
When the boiler is in operation all doors must be closed.
For heating boilers use strictly dry wood, as to avoid condensation in the boiler.
When switching the boiler to operate with fuel oil, it is possible to assemble the burner on
the lower door, but it is also possible to fit the suitable automation system on the boiler itself.
4 . NOTE !
Too low temperature of starting and return water affects the formation of condensation,
which directly affects the life of the boiler. In extreme cases, there may lead to condensation
which can be measured by liters, so when the condensed matter leaks it is suspected that the
tank is leaking. Condensed matter in itself has the sulfuric acid which is formed by the sulfur
removed from the products of combustion. Sulfuric acid causes the corrosion of metal. Dew
point depends on the type of fuel, air pressure and humidity and varies in the range of 45°C-
50°C. Therefore, we must be careful when the boiler is in operation the return water should
never fall below 65°C. The boiler is not useful for low - temperature operation. It should be
specially noted that the boiler is installed on the system of adequate capacity, because there
will come the cooling and condensation. If the boiler is covered with tar and soot the heat
transfer is weak and it will, also, cause the cooling of boiler and condensation.