Note: The detector beeps just as the
center of the searchcoil passes directly
over the buried target.
If you have difficulty pinpointing very
strong signals, try lifting the searchcoil
higher off the ground until a weaker
but more concise signal is heard. For
very weak signals, move the coil in
short quick sweeps close to the
Your detector is extremely sensitive,
and will detect even deeply-buried
metal. Because of this, trash-induced
signals and other sources of interfer-
ence might cause signals that seem
confusing. The key to handling these
types of signals is to dig for only those
targets that emit a strong, repeatable
signal. As you sweep the searchcoil
back and forth over the ground, learn
to recognize the difference between
signals that occur at random and sig-
nals that are stable and repeatable.
To reduce false signals when search-
ing very trashy ground, scan only a
small area at a time using slow, short
overlapping sweeps. To help prevent
erratic signals and pinpoint targets in
trashy areas, try a smaller searchcoil
(see “Optional Accessory” on Page 3).