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TECH SPRAY, INC.                               MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 
P O BOX  949                                   RS 64-4321 Aerosol         
88 NORTH HUGHES                                                           
AMARILLO  TX  79105                                                       
(806) 372-8523                                                            
           * * * * * * *  IV--HEALTH HAZARD DATA  * * * * * * *           
Effects of Overexposure                                                   
  INHALATION:  Major potential route of exposure.  Minimal effects have   



observed at levels below 1000 ppm.  Dizziness, drowsiness, 




and throat irritation possible at levels above 1000 ppm.   




Unconsciousness and death at levels above 10,000 ppm.      




Blood pressure depression, cardiac sensitization, and      




ventricular arrhythmia can result from exposure to near-   




anesthetic levels.                                         

  EYES:  Liquid can cause slight, temporary irritation with slight,       

    temporary corneal injury.  Vapors can irritate eyes.             

  SKIN:  Prolonged or repeated contact with liquid can cause freezing of  

    skin tissue, defatting, and dermatitis.                          

  INGESTION:  Single-dose toxicity is low to moderate.  If vomiting       


    should occur, the liquid can be aspirated into the lungs,   



    which can cause chemical pneumonia and systemic effects.    



    Human psychotropic, gastrointestinal, and central nervous   



    system effects possible.                                    

Emergency and First Aid Procedures                                        
  INHALATION:  Remove to fresh air.  If breathing has stopped, administer 
               artificial respiration.  Seek medical attention.           
  EYES:  Flush eyes for at least fifteen minutes with clear water.  If    
         irritation persists, seek medical attention.                     
  SKIN:  Wash with soap and water.  For frostbite, seek immediate medical 
  INGESTION:  DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING!  Give 2 glasses of water and        


    immediately seek medical attention.                         

  NOTE:  Adrenalin and similar cardiac stimulants should NOT be used to   

    treat effects of overexposure to this product.  See section I.   

  None of the ingredients in this product are listed on the OSHA, IARC,   
  NTP list of possible carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic chemicals. 
             * * * * * * *  V--REACTIVITY DATA  * * * * * * *             
Stability:  STABLE            Conditions to Avoid:  Contact with open     







  flame, heat.          

Incompatibility (materials to avoid):                                     
  Reactive alkali metals, strong acids & bases.                           
Hazardous Decomposition Products:                                         
  Hydrogen fluoride, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide                  
Hazardous Polymerization:  WILL NOT OCCUR                                 
Conditions to Avoid:  None                                                
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