This chart shows your radio’s transmission range in different types of environments.
This feature lets you limit the number of menus that appear on the radio’s display, making it
easier to use the radio’s basic features. When you set this option, your access is limited to the
channel, code, and call tone menus. The channel number and the currently set Eavesdrop Re-
ducer code and interference eliminator codes are the only items that appear on the radio’s dis-
play. This helps prevent you from accidentally changing the radio’s settings.
Note: When you set the radio to its simple menu, its scan and weather features are disabled
and its menu timeout increases to about 60 seconds.
Optimal Range
Medium Range
Minimal Range
Flat, open areas from 5 feet up to 2
miles (line-of-sight).
Buildings or trees.
• Dense foliage or mountains.
• Buildings or vehicles.