Easier to Read Pro 94 Scanner Manual
the radio). They would also have to be the same system type (Motorola or EDACS) and be in the same valid trunking frequency
range (800 MHz band or 900Mhz band etc.) for the radio to allow you to program the trunking systems.
Monitor Memories
The scanner also has 10 temporary memory locations called monitor memory channels (for both bank groups). You can use these
channels to temporarily store frequencies when you search through frequency bands. You can then move these to a bank channel
to scan. You can also use 1 monitor memory channel to temporarily store 1 talk group ID.
Keypad and Knob Controls
Your scanner's keys might seem confusing at first, but this information should help you understand each key's function.
Switches the bank groups (A or B) in manual or program mode; holds the frequency search in search mode;
holds the current talk group ID in trunking mode.
Scans the stored channels in scan mode (up only), and puts the scanner in trunkscanning mode while trunking
to scan talk group ID lists.
Stops scanning; lets you directly enter a channel number or frequency; steps to next channel in manual mode;
steps through talk group IDs in trunk mode.
Puts scanner in program mode; steps to next channel in program mode.
Puts scanner in and takes scanner out of trunk mode.
Sets the scanner to enter lower and upper limits of a limit search in program mode; starts or resumes trunking in
trunk mode; searches for another active ID in the trunking bank or moves to the next trunking bank during
trunking; starts searching programmed EDACS talk group ID ranges.
Turns the data signal skip feature on or off in while scanning or searching; turns the NWRSAME weather alert
on or off, clears SAME alerts, tests alert tones, enters/exits test mode; allows you to turn on/off trunking banks
during trunking; moves through menu settings in trunk mode.
Turns priority on and off while scanning or trunkscanning; stores priority channel and steps through priority
channels in program mode; turns Hypersearch on and off during a limit or direct search.
Locks/unlocks selected channels while scanning; locks/unlocks specified frequencies during a limit, direct, or
service search; locks out a selected talk group ID while trunking.
(KEYLOCK) Locks the keypad to prevent accidental program changes; turns on the display backlight for 15 seconds (and off).
Sets/unsets a 2second delay for any selected channel in manual, program, or scan mode; sets/unsets a 2
second delay for a limit, direct, or service search in search mode; sets/unsets a 5second delay while trunking.
Searches up through a limit, direct, or service search; steps up through options during programming; steps up
through the talk group ID locations.
Searches down through a limit, direct, or service search; steps down through options during programming; steps
down through the talk group ID locations.
Enters a channel or a frequency; note the range of channels in each bank (bank 2 has channels 51100, for