English user manual - Radiod
ity GD-73
Page 19 of 56
Sending an emergency alarm then automatically activate the microphone
This feature allows you to send an emergency alarm to another radio. After the
emergency alarm has been triggered, your radio automatically switches to transmit
mode without you having to press the PTT button. This is also referred to as an
"emergency microphone".
Note: However, if you now press the PTT key, the message will continue to be sent
until you release the PTT key.
1. Press the function key that has been programmed for ‘emergency microphone’
function to send an emergency alarm (function key 1, 2 or 3).
2. "Alarm" appears on the display. The status LED lights red and the emergency
mode is activated.
3. Hold the radio vertically, about 2.5 to 5cm from your mouth, if possible, in the
4. As soon as "Alarm" appears on the display, you can speak into the microphone of
the radio without first having to press the PTT button.
5. This automatic transmission ends automatically after a specified period of time.
6. You can press the PTT button to initiate another voice call if needed. The status
LED lights red again. The radio is in emergency mode. You can talk now.
7. If the radio is completely disabled for the playback of beeps, in emergency mode,
neither voice nor text outputs until you press the PTT button to trigger a call.
8. If the radio has been programmed for "call permit", no beeps or special
indications will be shown on the display of the person called until the specified
time has elapsed. These outputs are only made again if the PTT key was
previously pressed once. This happens in the following two cases:
The emergency mode is ended as soon as the radio channel is changed.
Triggering an emergency alarm on the new radio channel returns the radio to
emergency mode.
If the radio is in emergency mode and the pre-programmed emergency
transmission button is pressed, the previous emergency alarm will stop and a
new emergency alarm will be triggered.
Ending emergency mode
Emergency mode is ended if one of the following occurs:
If there is no response when an emergency alarm is triggered even after
several repetitions by the remote station, a beep sounds and the emergency
mode is ended
Pressing the programmed emergency power off button clears the emergency
alarm, thereby ending the emergency mode
Turning off the radio stops the emergency mode. However, turning the radio
back on does not restart emergency mode.
Pressing the PTT button does not end the emergency mode.