7. After successful connection between the transmitter and the receiver, RX will shows the voltage of the
receiver.(When using receiver R6DS, R6DSM and R12DSM, RX will not be displayed )
8. After connecting with telemetry module such as PRM-01 or PRM-01, EXT will shows the model voltage.
You can buy it on RadioLink official website.
9. Take model 2 left hand as an example. There are 4 calibrated scale on the screen edges, which represents
the trimming of aileron, elevator, throttle and rudder, corresponding to four trimmer button on the transmitter.
Do not use trimmer button before first flight. It is suitable to trim flight attitude during first horizon flight.
When the transmitter is powered on, warning or error may happen by the following probability
1. Battery low voltage alarming
Lithium battery 2S-4S can fit for the transmitter, warning voltage can be
self-set according to different battery.
Setting step: power on the transmitter, press and hold MODE one
second to enter basic menu, and press PUSH to enter PARAMETER.
Choose TX ALARM by DIAL and PUSH to change relative data.
Suggested min voltage is not less than 7.4V.
When the transmitter voltage is less than the setting voltage, it will beep
till the transmitter is powered off. Most important thing is to land your
model plane when the transmitter alarms.
2. Mixing alarm
When the transmitter alarms mixing, it means at least one mixed switch is active. And when it is inactive,
warning will stop then. When the transmitter is powered on, in different model type, mixing switch is shown as
ACRO: throttle cut, idle down, snap roll, air brake
GLID: butterfly, condition
HELI: throttle cut, throttle lock, speed up
If the warning continues even the related switch is set OFF, probably it is because some programs mixed by
one switch and status OFF reversed. Now you need to set mixing
alarm again by DIAL.
3. Throttle down alarm
When the transmitter alarms THR POSITION, rotate PUSH to stop the
alarm. It is mainly for reminding the user to keep the throttle at the
lowest position to operate safely. If the user want to turn off the alarm,
go to basic menu- SYSTEM. Set TH-DOWN to OFF.
1.3 Receiver
1.3.1 Compatible Receivers
AT9S Pro is a 10 channels transmitter, support 2.4G DSSS and FHSS dual hybrid spread spectrum, 16
channels pseudo random frequency hopping.
AT9S Pro sells with receiver R9DS.
R9DS is a 9 channels receiver when working with PWM signal(red LED), it will a 10 channels receiver when
working with S-BUS signal(purple/blue LED).
Besides R9DS, AT9S Pro is also compatible with Radiolink R6DS, R10DS, R12DS and super mini 10