RadioLink Electronic Ltd
RC8X home page:
Warning can be set with a certain low RSSI value after testing by changing distance. Enter Telemetry
setting--Receiver signal to set the RSSI warning value, alarm sound type etc..
Note: R8FG is the receiver with dual antenna. When the distance between the transmitter and the R8FG
is 60 centimeters, it is normal that RSSI value is within the range of 0 to -30dBm. The closer the value is
to 0, the stronger the signal is. The range of RSSI value of RadioLink transmitters is from 0 to -99dBm.
The larger the absolute value of the RSSI value is, the weaker the signal is. For example, the signal when
the RSSI value is -90dBm is weaker than the signal when the RSSI value is -75dBm.
2.2 Telemetry of model battery and receiver voltage
Besides the return of receiver voltage, model battery voltage (maximum up to 8S lithium battery, 33.6V)
can also be returned in real time. Users can personalize the warning value of low model battery voltage
depending on the actual needs Enter Telemetry setting-- Engine battery voltage to set the alarm voltage,
alarm sound type etc.. Normally we set the warning value with the single cell voltage as 3.7V. For
example, if it is 3S lithium battery used in the model car, the warning value should be set as