RadioLink Electronic Limited
CPS mixing1/2/3/4
Mixing: The button at the right of “Mixing” is OFF, and the background color of the select
box is grey, indicating that the CPS mixing function is turn off. The button at the right of “Mixing”
is ON, and the background color of the select box is blue, indicating that the CPS mixing function
is turn on.
Trigger CH: set the channel as the trigger channel to turn on or turn off the CPS mixing
function. Channel 1 to channel 8 can be selected.
Operation CH: the channel to connect the light, channel 1 to channel 8 can be selected.
When press the switch that controlled the light trigger channel, the light or turn on or turn off.
The operation channel can set same channel as the trigger channel.
Trigger mode: Neutral, Left, Right, Both sides, PS switch can be selected according to the
trigger switch you have set.
Point1/2: the rudder amount to trigger the light turn
on or turn off.
Operation mode: off till triggered to flash, flash till
triggered to off, off till triggered to on, and on till
triggered to off can be selected.
Off till triggered to flash: the LEDs will keep off till the
trigger switch reach the point value you have set that
trigger the LEDs flash. The LEDs will keep flash until you
trigger the LED to off.
Flash till triggered to off: the LEDs will keep flash till