RadioLink Electronic Limited
customize the settings, you need to go to the "Channel setting" menu to set the corresponding
switch to "NULL", and then back to the “Switch select” menu to set.
PS1: The button under the steering wheel, which defaults control CH4, can be customized.
PS2: The two buttons on the left and right sides of the handle, which defaults control CH6,
can be customized. The two PS2 buttons have the same functions that are convenient for both
left-handed and right-handed users.
PS3: The rotary knob in front of the steering wheel, the press button PS3 is integrated with
the rotary knob DL1. If set this button as PS3, pressing this button will trigger the function that
you have set, but rotating this button will not. If set this button as DL1, rotating this button will
trigger the function that you have set, but pressing this button will not.
PS3 is defaults control the backlight of the transmitter, press once to turn off the backlight
and press again to turn on the backlight, can be customized.
PS4: The button located at the base of the transmitter, which defaults control CH7, can be
PS5: The two buttons on the top left and right sides of the handle, which defaults control
CH5, can be customized. The two PS5 buttons have the same functions that are convenient for
both left-handed and right-handed users.
Steering switch (SS): It defaults control CH1, the rotating of the steering wheel, which can be
customized to turn on or turn off other functions when rotating the wheel.
Trigger switch (TS): It defaults to control CH2, the forward/brake/back of the throttle, which
can be customized to turn on or turn off other functions when triggering the throttle.
(SS) indicates the Steering Switch