RadioLink Electronic Limited
If you want to make the steering get the higher sensitivity or make steering more gentle,
click “+” to increase the value, or click “-“ to decrease the value. When the value of VTR is
not 0%, click Quick or Slow to switch the value quickly.
Fine tune(left): To set the right and left steering curves separately. The initial value is 0%,
-200% to +200% can be selected.
Fine tune(right): To set the right and left steering curves separately. The initial value is 0%,
-200% to +200% can be selected. Click “-“ can decrease the value, and click “+” can increase
the value.
VTR point: The VTR point is set to limit the rudder amount range of the high points. The
initial value is 50, which means the high point will reach the half rudder amount range of left or
right steering servo, 0 to 100 can be selected.
Reset: click Reset will make the value back to the default number.
Back: click the button
or short press the power button to return to the previous menu.
2.5.2 Throttle curve
This function makes the throttle high side direction servo operation quicker or milder. It does
not affect the servo maximum operation amount.
Throttle curve type: three kinds of curves that EXP, VTR, Multiple point curve can be selected.
EXP curve:
It is used to adjust the throttle operates change with a curved curve from the
neutral position to the high point.