Radiolink Electronic Ltd
This function is used on the V-tail aircraft.
V-TAIL mixing is used with v-tail aircraft so that both elevator and rudder functions are combined for the two
tail surfaces. Both elevator and rudder travel can be adjusted independently on each surface.
CH2 and CH4 are required.
Independently adjustable travel allows for differences in servo travels.
Rudder differential is not available. To create rudder differential, set RUD1 and 2 to 0, then use two
programmable mixes, RUD-ELE and RUD-RUD, setting different percentages for up and down. These are
new rudder travels. Turn the trim and link off, switch assignment null so rudder won’t be accidentally turned
V-TAIL function and ELEVON/AILEVATOR mix functions can’t be activated at the same time. If both of these
functions are activated, an error message will be displayed and you must inactivate the last function prior to
activating ELEVON.
Make sure to move the elevator and rudder sticks regularly while checking the servo motions. If a large travel
value is set, when the sticks are moved at the same time, the controls may mutually disturb or run out of travel.
Decrease the travel until no disturbance occurs.
3.3.4 SYSTEM Menu
There are three parameters to set: “AUX-CH” “PROG.MIX1” “PROG.MIX2”
CH5/6/7/8 Auxilary channels Ch5 to Ch8 can be personalized to different switches
TX Alarm
When the transmitter voltage is lower than the value set, T8S will make D sound to warn.
STK-MODE by default
1 is throttle at right while 2 is throttle at left. 3 is throttle at right for toys while 4 is throttle at left for toys.
VERSION: The numbers mean different firmware versions which can be updated.
Programmable mix controls is to
1. Diversify attitude changes of aircraft (eg. Rolling to realize when rudder are commanded);