Radiolink Electronic Ltd
Reset to default: reset all the parameters to default files. Please recalibrate and re-setup all the
parameters after reset.
Search: write down the name of parameters you want to setup, much same as the keyboard shortcuts
7. Download DataFlash Log
There are two ways to record your flight data. With some exceptions, the two methods record very similar
data but in different ways:
Dataflash logs use the Turbo Pix onboard dataflash memory, which you can download after the flight. On
Plane and Rover dataflash logs are created soon after start-up. On Copter they are created after you first
arm the copter.
Telemetry logs (also known as “tlogs”) are recorded by the
Mission Planner
(or other ground station)
when you connect ArduPilot to your computer via a telemetry link.
If you are not yet familiar with the basics of these log files, first review the introductory pages to
understand where these logs are stored and how you can download and view the information held within