X value represents input, such as the course of the gimbal from low to high
Y value represents output, such as the process of channel output from low to
Name the curve, easy to find when recalling the curve in other settings
Curve type
Standard Standard type, only Y point (output) can be edited, ranging from -100 to
Custom Custom types, both X (input) and Y (output) points are editable, ranging
from -100 to 100
The number of points on the curve, between 2 and 17.
If checked, create a smooth curve through all points.
When customizing, move the cursor to X and Y coordinates, and change the
position of each coordinate point according to your needs.
Depending on the type selected above, this allows writing the X coordinate of a
standard curve, or the X and Y coordinates of a custom curve.
Long press the ENT key on the coordinate point to enter the submenu
Select presets with slopes of -45 °, -33 °, -22 °, -11 °, 0 °, 11 °, 22 °, 33 °,
45 °. When defining more complex curves, choose reasonable presets Will reduce
some steps.