WiNRADiO G69DDC User’s Guide
differences in behavior depending on which particular spectrum window the
highlighted passband is being dragged in.
Dragging the gray area in the wideband spectrum will relocate the DDC1
passband to a new frequency. However, it is not possible to drag beyond the
current spectrum boundaries; you will need to stay within the current frequency
Internally, the receiver’s hardware operates in two separate ranges:
Range 1
from 1 kHz to 88 MHz and
Range 2
from 43 MHz to 8 GHz; the fine tuning
with 1 Hz resolution is accomplished by software processing.
So, to switch between frequency ranges, you can either retune the receiver to
the new frequency using any of the standard methods, or you can switch the
range using these two buttons (which are located above-right of the wideband
Inside the DDC1 and demodulator (DDC2) spectra, it is actually possible to
drag the respective DDC or demodulator filter passbands beyond the existing
boundaries, in both directions. In such a case, the receiver will tune
Dragging either one of the edges of the grayed-out area inside the
demodulator spectrum will result in continuously changing the filter bandwidth,
except for LSB and USB modes. (This function is not available in the
demodulator spectrum so as to prevent unwanted dragging of the entire
passband when the shaded area becomes too narrow with larger demodulator
For LSB mode, dragging the right-hand edge of the grayed-out filter passband
results in tuning, dragging the left-hand edge results in adjusting the filter