Users Manual
Product Description
Most part of the product description only covers the rules in the
scandinavian countries.
This product description is only a supplement to the homologa-
tion form for the Raket 85 engine. In case of doubt, you must first
consult the homologation form, and then, if you don’t find what you
are looking for, you read this product description.
For conversion of millimeters to inches – 1 mm corresponds to
0,03937 inches.
1. The crankcase
The crankcase must have the same shape as is shown in the
homologation form. The measures that are especially important
are those for the parts of the crank-
case which surround
the crankshaft. These
measures must not be
The part of the crank-
case which surrounds the flywheel
must also remain unchanged (no machining al-
The part of the crankcase which is closest to the drive sprocket
must also remain unchanged, with the exception that is accept-
able to make necessary modifications at the outside in order to be
able to fit a suitable guard over the sprocket and chain.
The sealing rings are “free”, i.e. you can change the make as long
as the type and the size remain the same. On the sprocket side
there must be a 17x28x7 mm single sealing lip type, and on the
flywheel side, a 15x26x7 mm with both a sealing lip and a dust
cover lip.
The ball bearings (they normally stick on the crankshaft when you
disassemble the crankcase) are in original SKF 6203 C3 bear-
ings. They are “free” in respect to the make, but must be of deep
groove ball bearings type and be mounted at the same place as
the original.
2. The crankshaft and connecting rod
No machining of any kind or any other modification of the crank-
shaft is allowed. You must not change the balancing of the crank
shaft through machining or addition of material.