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Return to weighing mode
Changes introduced in balance memory will be saved on returning to
weighing with procedure of saving changes. Press ESC key for a few times
until the display shows a question: Save? As displayed, select one of
available options:
ENTER – save changes and go back to menu;
– abandon changes and go back to menu.
(see Fig. 9. Return to weighing mode. point. 5.1.2. Return to weighing
7.3. Manual adjustment
Internal adjustment
1. Go to submenu P1 – Adjustment.
2. Place the marker next to a function 01 Internal adjustment.
3. Press
4. The balance automatically carries out internal adjustment process. While
adjustment process is in progress do not load the weighing pan with any weight.
5. On completing the internal adjustment procedure the balance saves adjustment
data in its memory and returns to weighing mode.
In order to abort adjustment process press ESC key.
If during internal adjustment process the weighing pan is loaded, then the balance
displays an error message. The adjustment process is automatically stopped. On
taking off the load from the weighing pan, the process is resumed and completed.
If the DRH function is enabled in balance settings, then balance user cannot abort
the adjustment process once initiated.
External adjustment
The external adjustment in balances AS/X series should be carried out with an external
mass standard / weight class:
List of weights / mass standards required for adjusting balances is specified in the
technical data provided at the end of this user manual.
1. Go to menu P1 – Adjustment.
2. Set the marker next to a function 02 External adjustment.
3. Press
4. The software displays a command to take off any load from the weighing pan (the
weighing pan must by empty). On unloading the weighing pan, press ENTER key.
5. The balance determines mass of an empty weighing pan.
6. Load a weight / mass standard which mass is given on the display and press
ENTER key.