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13 Acquire (upload) parameters
Enabling this function causes uploading all parameters sent via RS 232 interface from
a connected computer. On completing uploading process the balance informs a user
on number of accepted and changed parameters, and number of incorrectly declared
parameters which are rejected by the balance. Printing and uploading balance
parameters is a very simple and intuitive means of setting new values of balance
parameters. On printing to a file current parameter values on a connected computer,
the user can simply and quickly change parameter values. After saving made
changes, the updated file is sent from the computer level to balance’s software. On
completing of uploading process and saving changes the balance accepts new
parameter settings. The procedure requires that a user is familiar with balance
parameters and has good knowledge of computers.
14 Password protection
This submenu enables setting a password limiting access to a balance for an
Administrator and a user
(see point 7.2. of this user manual: USER LOG IN)