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16.7. Formulation
Formulation mode is intended for preparing mixtures in accordance with pre-defined
formulas. It is highly recommended for pharmacies. The software of balance XA/2X series
features calculation memory, therefore it stores mass of each ingredient of a mixture and
sums of weighed ingredients.
While using formulation mode the balance’s display shows and continuously updates
the following data:
1. Mass of a load placed on balance’s weighing pan
2. Name of currently weighed ingredient (max 10 characters)
3. “WGH” Mass to be added while weighing a specific ingredient
4. “IC” Number of ingredients which are already weighed in a prepared mixture
5. “SUM” Sum of ingredients mass which are already weighed in a prepared mixture
Mode activating
Fig. 49. Formulation – internal mode settings
parameter 01 Prompts (Hints)
on enabling, the balance’s graphic display indicates name and mass of each weighed
ingredient in a formulation, i.e. data specified in parameter 04 Formulation
parameter 02 Automatic printout
on enabling the parameter, and on confirmation the software automatically sends mass of
each weighed ingredient via RS 232 interface to a connected printer or computer