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Total mass of a prepared formulation and mass of the vessel in which the
formulation is prepared must not exceed maximum measuring range (max.
capacity) of a balance
A formulation can contain maximum 20 ingredients
Parameter 03 No. of ingredients enables specifying number of the ingredients in a
prepared formulation
Remember that maximum number of ingredients in a formulation is 20
While preparing a formulation the software orders dosing the ingredients in
accordance with the their sequence as set in parameter 04 Formulation; e.g. if a
user sets 10 ingredients in parameter 04 Formulation, and then sets no. of
ingredients in a formulation to 8, then the software will complete formula making
process after weighing the first 8 ingredients.
The software prepares a list of ingredients in accordance with the sequence set in
parameter 04 Formulation, and always starts the formula making process from the
first ingredient on the list, and ends the process on an ingredient number as set in
parameter 03 No. of ingredients.
If a user needs a documentation from a formula making process, e.g. in a form of
a printout, then set parameter 02 Automatic printout to 1 : YES. In such case
each accepted mass of an ingredient (by pressing UNITS key) is automatically
printed on a connected printer or computer.
Set parameter 01 Prompts (Hints) to 1 : YES.
Enter Formulation mode by pressing ENTER key.
Tare mass of a vessel for formula making process.
Weigh the first ingredient of a formulation (ingredient’s mass is visible in the WGH
Press UNITS key. Mass of the first ingredient is saved in balance memory. The
parameters visible on the display will change to:
ingredient 2, mass WGH, IC=1, SUM=. . . .
Mass indication on the display will zero.
Repeat the process for all the ingredients set in a formulation
After weighing the last ingredient of a prepared formulation and saving its mass in
balance memory (by pressing UNITS key) the display automatically changes to
the total mass of prepared formulation. The mass value is also locked on the
display, and there are prompts on possible activities.