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Function button for entering the main balance menu.
F7 button of the computer keyboard.
Navigating arrows for operating balance menu or
changing parameter value.
When plugged to mains, the balance displays program name and number, next
it proceeds to the weighing mode.
6.1. Temperature stabilization period
Before start of measuring processes, it is necessary to wait until the balance
reaches thermal stabilisation.
For balances that were stored in much lower temperatures before plugging to
mains (e.g. during winter period), thermal stabilisation period shall take at least
4 hours for PS balances, and 8 hours for AS and APP balances. During the
thermal stabilization, the indications on the display panel can change. Correct
operation of a balance is possible within temperature range specified in
datasheet, see point 1.
It is recommended that ambient temperature changes at place of use were
insignificant (slow to change).