- E r r 2 -
Value beyond zero range.
- E r r 3 -
Value beyond tare range.
- E r r 4 -
Adjustment weight or start mass out of range (
1% for adjustment weight,
10 for
start mass).
- E r r 5 -
Battery error. Battery is damaged.
- E r r 8 -
Time of the following operations exceeded: taring, zeroing, start mass
determining, adjustment process.
- n u l l -
Zero value from converter.
- F U L L -
Weighing range exceeded.
- L H -
Start mass error, indication out of range (
10% of start mass).
- H i -
Display range of total mass on scale display exceeded in 'Totalizing' mode.
- u L o -
Too low battery charge. The scale is about to shut down.
- E r r L o -
- Determined mass of single part in 'Parts counting' mode too small.
- Value of 'Min' threshold is greater than value of 'Max' threshold in '+/- control'
- E r r H i -
- Entered value of single part greater than maximum capacity in 'Parts counting'
working mode.
- Entered value of 'Max' threshold greater than maximum capacity in '+/- control'
- Entered reference mass greater than maximum capacity in 'Percent weighing'