Portion: -500.0 g
Current deviation from the reference mass
Charge: 1 / 10
Number of weighed charge / Total number of charges
Completed: 0%
Process progress
If on process start the weighing platform is loaded, the software will
indicate message <Load appropriate product> while trying to accept
a measurement.
If a user tries to accept the following weighed mass without changing
mass of the load placed on the weighing platform, the software displays
a message <Load appropriate product>,
If a user tries to accept mass of a portion while the parameter <
Portion weighing> is disabled then the software displays the following
message <Load appropriate product>,
If a user tries to accept an exceeded value of permissible ingredient
mass, then the software displays the following message <Permissible
value of ingredient mass exceeded. Recalculate ingredients?>. On
rejecting the message by pressing
key the software returns to the
previous step. On accepting the message by pressing
key the
software automatically recalculates mass of the ingredients proportionally
to the exceeded value of mass and returns to formulation making
If a user tries to accept an unstable mass indication, the software
displays a message <Measurements unstable>.
A user can abort the
making process at optional moment by pressing
an on-screen function key
(process stop) located in the bottom bar of the
terminal’s display.
29.5. Reporting from completed
making processes
On completing each
making process, the terminal automatically
generates a report on that process.