4.2.5 Change VOC Span Gas
This function allows the user to select a specific VOC gas to be
used as the span gas during VOC gas calibration. If a span gas
other than isobutylene is used, the correction factor (CF) for the
measurement gas will be divided by the CF for the new span
gas to obtain a modified factor for the measurement gas. This
new factor is automatically applied to the displayed readings.
1. When the “Change VOC Span Gas?” screen appears,
press [Y/+]. If the VOC sensor is installed, the display will
show the span gas name. If the VOC sensor is not
installed, the “No VOC installed” message will appear.
VOC Gas (calib) =
2. To keep the current VOC span gas, press [Y/+] to accept
the selection and move to the next menu item.
3. To select a different VOC span gas, first press [N/-], and
continue to use [N/-] to scroll up through the list of gas
names. For rapid scrolling, press and hold [N/-]. When the
desired gas appears, press [Y/+] or [MODE] to save the
selection and exit the submenu.