RainDrop Sense Operator’s Manual
LCN 50-04344 Rev. D
be as follows: (1) the RainDance Software End User License Agreement and (2) the terms
and conditions.
Intended Use
For Research Use Only. Not for use in Diagnostic Procedures.
RainDance Technologies RainDrop Sense is the detection instrument that enables
identification and counting of target molecules in each picoliter droplet following PCR
amplification. Together the RainDance Source and RainDrop Sense instruments make up the
RainDrop Digital PCR System delivering quantitative results.
Data Entry and Collection
RainDance requires that you do not enter health information identifiable to a particular
person, or other information that is subject to regulatory or contractual protection, into any
RainDance instrument. Such information is not protected from disclosure to service or other
personnel and, as noted below, may be included in information provided to RainDance for
purposes of servicing or evaluating the performance of your instrument.
Further, by requesting service of your RainDance instrument, you give RainDance consent to
access and use data stored in your RainDance instrument. RainDance uses the data to
troubleshoot and service the instrument in response to your service requests. RainDance
also may aggregate data collected from your instrument in response to service requests with
similar data from other customers and may use the aggregated data to improve instrument
Your instrument from RainDance is enabled with an automatic email functionality that allows
RainDance to receive performance data from the instrument from time to time without your
knowledge. You may choose to disable that functionality. Disabling that functionality prevents
the instrument from sending such data to RainDance. The data collected with this automatic
email functionality consists of the number of samples processed, the success rate of the
samples processed, data specific to the performance of your instrument, and data that is
entered by your operators. RainDance collects this data solely so that it may better
understand and improve instrument performance. By allowing the functionality to remain
enabled, you give RainDance permission to use the automatic email functionality.
Design Change Disclaimer
Due to design changes and product improvements, information in this manual is
subject to change without notice. RainDance reserves the right to change the product
design, including illustrations, screen shots, and diagrams, at any time without notice to
anyone, which may subsequently affect the contents of this manual.