USER MANUAL --Raiscube A8R 3D Printer
Sample Print Show.
Since we have get A8R ready for printing after leveling, now go further steps to our first print.
Let’s say steps are
1. Source file Acquirement
2. Slicing origin file with Cura, Simplied 3D or other slicing software.
3. Transfer sliced file to 3D Printer.
4. Print.
5. Remove prints.
6. Evaluate print quality.
Let’s take an example to go through these steps.
Source file acquirement.
Get “.stl” or “.object” design files from any design software (e.g
freecad, pro-E, etc), or we can download online. In our case, we download one from
. Extract “xyzCalibration_cube.stl” from download
zip file. Now we have the “.stl” file. (Fig.s01)
Load it to Cura software. Configure slicing parameters in Cura. (Fig.s02) If you have
no Cura installed in your PC, please find it in the SD Card which in printer package, and install
it step by step. You also refer to “Cura 15.04 installation guide.pdf” in SD Card file.