6.1.5 - Input/Output
The assignment of input/output channels to each hardware unit can be configured here.
Inverted signals are supported; where an inverted signal means that the signal goes from
high to low when a specific event occurs (e.g product present). On the contrary, the default
signal (i.e not inverted signal) means the signal goes from low to high when a specific event
occurs. To use an inverted signal, simply click on the ‘Inverse’ checkbox next to the
dropdown for the signal value.
For input signals it is also possible to select the "Always LOW" and "Always HIGH" options.
In this case, no physical input channel is being evaluated, and the result is constantly low or
constantly high, respectively. For output signals it is possible to select "None". In this case
the signal won't appear on any physical output channel.
It is very important to select different channels for each unit. For instance, do not use
digital_input[0] for pallet presence AND product presence sensor, as this will result in
unexpected behavior. Using MODBUS or General Purpose Boolean Registers
In addition to the standard digital I/O and configurable digital I/O, it is now possible to select
and use the general purpose registers and external Modbus signals with Pally.
Modbus Registers
In order to use MODBUS registers in Pally, a MODBUS connection has to be set up in the
‘MODBUS client IO Setup’ in the Polyscope installation node.
For the specified MODBUS Unit, add a ‘Digital Input’ or a ‘Digital Output’ signal. It is only
possible to use the
input or output signals from a MODBUS unit with Pally, not the
input or outputs.
The name of the signal has to be kept equal to the default name given by Polyscope,
such that the format of the signal name is: MODBUS_N where N is a number.
For this first version of supporting these Modbus IOs in Pally, the default signal names for
the MODBUS signal need to remain unchanged.
General Purpose Boolean Registers
Version 2.9.1
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