Edit Start Conditions
Figure 88:
Edit the start conditions for the palletizer on the first pallet
In order to start palletizing from a different start condition than on the first box on the first
layer, enter new values into the input fields below the ‘Start on box number’-label and the
‘Start on layer number’-label respectively.
The default values are 1 for both the new start layer and the new start box. Note that it is not
possible to input values that are larger than the layer count for the selected pattern in the
start layer input field. Be careful when entering a new start box, as there is no input
validation on this field yet. One must therefore make sure that the number inserted into the
new start box field is less than or equal to the amount of boxes that are present in the
specified start layer.
If the selected pattern contains shim paper, it is important to note that these shim paper
layers do
count as a layer. Therefore, to specify a new start layer for a pattern with shim
paper(s), disregard each shim paper and specify the starting layer according to the layers
containing boxes.
The new start box number signifies the box’s number on the selected layer, such that if the
chosen start layer is the second layer and one wishes to start on the third box on the second
layer, then input the number ‘3’ into the ‘Start on box number’-field.
Version 2.9.1
© Rocketfarm AS 2021. All rights reserved.