The Super Blinky was thought up as a way to show off the latest technology in
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color LEDs. These babies have always been tempting
to play with in order to see just how many colors they could reproduce. The
problem was that the darned RGB LEDs were so expensive (the Boss just
about had a heart attack). Some of these LEDs cost more than $19.00 a piece
as of the writing of this manual. They use the latest technology to achieve an
incredibly bright output and are well worth the cost in some applications. From
a kit point of view however, they are way too expensive! When the datasheet
became available for the LED we’re using and the pricing turned out to be
much more reasonable then those we had looked at before, I knew the time
had come!
So how did I get around the Boss you may ask? I turned this into a surface
mount practice kit that met the requirements so many of you were asking for via
the web. It contains a few simple and some challenging parts to work with (but
not so complicated that you are left with a headache and a strong desire to give
up and go watch TV). Not to mention after your done, you get a nice reward
when it works right off the bat!
Personally I could stare at this color changing LED for a long time. In fact, the
Boss thinks that’s all I have been doing lately! Some of the colors the SBRGB
produces are quite amazing. The red portion is a very deep color, to the point
that it almost irritates the eye. When combined with the deep blue, it makes for
a fantastic violet. Now add in the high intensity green into the mix and you have
some pretty cool colors. Ok, now how do I get these colors to change?
On to the next section…